
Can parks meet its dual mandate of access and protection?

For parks to be sustainable they need to support themselves to a certain extent. Giving people access to these parks is necessary to maintain the balance. It is crucial for them to both provide access to people and protect the species within.


I believe that parks can meet this requirement of access and protection, and I think it is important that they do. A dual mandate can be achieved in Wapusk National Park. Currently, because of its remote location, Wapusk National Park is not significantly challenged with humans overpopulating the area. This is helpful in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. For those who do choose to visit Wapusk, it is important to respect the ecosystem and keep it in pristine condition. Wapusk provides people with a great opportunity to visit the Canadian Arctic but this sensitive region needs to be valued and respected. With the continued support of the government, Wapusk National Park can achieve the dual mandate access for humans and ecosystem protection.

Here is a blog that talks about Wapusk national park and the challenges it faces.

Written on June 6, 2018